I knew I should have brought the camera today, but I didn't. Sorry, everyone! We went to the beach and the zoo. At the lowest tide I had ever seen, we saw sea snakes (that was a first), brittle stars (starfish), sea slugs, fish, hermit crabs, and more! Navin loved the zoo because it was the first time he'd ever seen those animals. The peacocks that roam the zoo freely had baby chicks!
Then, I was setting Navin down to let him play in the sand and sea, and he didn't just sit down like usual. He stayed standing, balancing on two legs for the first time ever for about 6 seconds! It was quite a fun moment. He is only 9 1/2 months! This is really early. He is an early learner for sure, with a big brother for inspiration! I'll try to catch it on film next time!