Here's the wonderful, detailed story of the arrival of Navin Madan Das on August 16, 2007 at 9:55pm.
After an hour long walk on a day that was 8 days past the due date, we were feeling sure that the baby will come in the next day or so. We go to sleep and a 3.8 earthquake gets me jumping out of bed at 3:00am. I am always quick to grab the kids and go outside as soon as an earthquake starts, but this one was really small, and I just layed back down after getting up way too quickly for an overly-pregnant woman. My husband joked "Slow down, you're shankin' the whole house!"
When I layed back down, I felt the first contraction which lasted 20 seconds. They kept coming every 5 minutes, but only lasting for 20-30 seconds. I was very thankful to feel the contractions in my belly and not in my lower back like I did when I began labor with Haridas. William had an appraisal inspection to do in Havi, which is about an hour and a half drive away, and was going to leave at 6:00am. I wanted him to stay because second babies are known to come out faster, and I wanted him to be with me for sure. But he reassured me that I was just in early labor and should get as much rest as I can until he comes back in a few hours. His dad had some things to do in town, too. So, it was me and the almost-3-year-old together for early labor. Fortunately, he was in a very good, sleep, mellow mood, and I was able to rest between contractions. Susan, the midwife, had a substitute teacher job in Na'alehu, which is about an hour and a half away, so I called her early in the morning to let her know what was happening, but she also thought that we had a lot of time before the baby arrives. I took it really easy for the whole morning to not speed up labor until my husband and midwife were done working! Grampa was a great help in keeping Haridas happy and occupied while I was resting between contractions. The mucous plug came out a little after 6:00am and contractions were feeling stronger, but not lasting any longer or closer together.
I called my two friends Chinni and Chandrika to let them know I was in early labor so they don't make any far away plans for the day. They both wanted to come over, which was now early afternoon. William came back and was trying to finish his work while we were all buzzing with the excitement of the baby maybe coming soon. He thought that I had a long time to go still, and figured we were going to have a slumber party. I found that my contractions were stronger whenever I would be by myself, and I focused on them. When I was talking through contractions, they would fade off into nothing. I decided to go on a walk around 3:00pm to speed things up. When we got back from the walk, I took a shower to cool off. When I got out, my friend Nitya had stopped by as a suprise. She has 6 children, one that is 3 months old, which is the closest in age to Navin that I know, and she has also been trained as a doula (birth assistant). She looked at me laughing and talking through contractions and said "whoa...close your eyes and focus on your breath!" She felt my belly during contractions and was able to estimate that I was about 4 cm dilated. The contractions got stronger as I focused on them more. Then Susan arrived. She said that I was either handling it very well, or we had a long way to go. She took her time delaying checking how dilated I was, and when she did, I was 5 cm (halfway there). She said I was handling it very well!
When Haridas's bedtime came at 8:00pm, he was refusing to fall asleep. Since I normally read stories to him every night, I decided to take the opportunity to be with him in a quiet room. William massaged my back as I read stories in the dim lighting. Haridas fell asleep before the end of the story around 9:00pm, and my contractions were very, very strong now. When I came out of the room, the contractions were starting to feel unbearable, and so it was time to fill the tub! Vishnu Das did everything to get that ready as I started active labor. It felt so good to get in the hot's a natural pain killer. Since Haridas was asleep, Grampa Bill didn't need to watch him and was able to take lots of great pictures! (See them below.)
As soon as I got in the tub, I pretty much went into transition. I must say it was very, very intense. The only thing that got me through it was low oooooooooooooms. I wanted to scream Aaaaaaaaaaah in a high pitched tone, but the low tones were much more relaxing. The water broke right before his head crowned and I layed back to be able to see the birth of the head. I remembered that burning feeling and knew to focus all of my attention on not pushing (which prevents tearing). This was not easy and I really wanted to push but didn't! Again, the low oooooms really helped with this. I had a short break between contractions when the head was partly out. I even managed to smile because I knew I was almost done! Navin was born with the next contraction, floating up to my arms to the announcement "It's A Boy!" I meant to say "Thank You, Lord", but what came out first was "I love you! I love you!"
He was moving and his muscle tone was good, but he didn't cry or start breathing right away (which is ok because he was still getting oxygen through the cord). We suctioned him a few times to clear up the airways, and a big cry came out as his whole body went from bluish to pink. I was so thankful that the cord was not around his neck and his shoulders didn't get stuck, the two complications that are completely uncontrollable.
I was lifted out of the tub, dried off, and got cozy and warm with the little one on the couch. He latched on right away and began nursing like a pro. He slept for a bit while I was taking herbs to speed the birth of the placenta. I woke him up and nursed him again while we cut the cord when he was about an hour and a half old. I took a shower as he slept, then walked around a bit to help the placenta come out. Thankfully, the placenta came out at 12:30, and we all had a good night sleep afterwards.
This birth story is a very fortunate one, and I am eternally indebted to our Merciful Lord who blessed us with a graceful birth experience, and to all the people who helped us and wished us well. I am reminded of how lucky I am with every glance at this beautiful little baby boy. Thank You, Lord!
Active labor begins:

Filling up the tub (much easier than heating pots over the bonfire like Haridas's birth):

Smiling between contractions:

Looking into the eyes of my beloved gave me strength:

Yes, giving birth is hard core!:

It's a boy!:

His first cry:

Cozy and dry:


Resting well: