May seemed to come and go very fast. We had many special days and celebrations:
~Birthday celebrations for Grammy Sharon, William, and me.
~Wedding anniversary celebrations for Will's Grandma and Grampa, and ours as well.
~Haridas is offically done teething!
~Haridas went to a doctor for the first time and all is well.
~We got everything we needed to get Haridas's birth certificate.
~We got a new, gigantic, expensive, high class car seat that will last until Haridas is 80 lbs. and probably 8 years old.
~Our online photo album for everyone to get copies of pictures is now available.
~Oh yeah, and my belly is getting bigger and bigger everyday now at 6 1/2 months!
Aspiring To Love, Learn, and Live For The Lord With All Of Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!
May 31, 2007
May 30, 2007
Warning about HPV Vaccine
You may have heard about this new vaccine that supposedly prevents cervical cancer. Some states are trying to make it manditory for young girls. There has not been very much research on this new vaccine, and now 3 deaths have resulted from it. Women who have recieved this vaccine say that it hurts more than others, and doctors have said that many have passed out after receiving it.
In honor of the families who lost their daughters, please pass this information on and possibly save the lives of other little girls and young women. Please share this news article about.
Click here to read.
In honor of the families who lost their daughters, please pass this information on and possibly save the lives of other little girls and young women. Please share this news article about.
Click here to read.
May 28, 2007
May 27, 2007
Photo Album Links!
I have added links to two photo albums. One is called 'Family Album' with our favorite family pictures, which I will be gradually adding more to over time. The other is called 'Holistic Family' with all of the pictures that are posted here on the blog. (I just realized that this has been done automatically without me even knowing it!)
You have access to these albums anytime by clicking on the links available in the 'Links' category on the bottom right side of this site. If there are any pictures that you would like to save to your computer or print, just click on these links.
Please let me know if it doesn't work for you. Here are the links as well:
Family Photo Album
Blog Photo Album
You have access to these albums anytime by clicking on the links available in the 'Links' category on the bottom right side of this site. If there are any pictures that you would like to save to your computer or print, just click on these links.
Please let me know if it doesn't work for you. Here are the links as well:
Family Photo Album
Blog Photo Album
6 1/2 Months Pregnant!
May 26, 2007
We Love You!
Just wanted to let you all know how much we love you! We hope all is well! Best wishes and God Bless!
May 22, 2007
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth Video
Here is a very informative video exposing the truth about vaccines. Click here to watch.
May 20, 2007
Happy Birthday To Me!
Yay! Today was another wonderful birthday thanks to all of my loved ones! I'm 28 now! Thank you so much to everyone who called and sent cards and gifts and well wishes! We had a great day! Haridas was very well behaved, and Papa had the day off, which were nice treats on my special day. We also got the new carseat, and it is huge and luxurious! Thanks again for all the nice things I recieved from everyone. :)
My old friend sent me this nice picture:
My old friend sent me this nice picture:

May 19, 2007
Crocheted Creations Gallery
I've made a gallery of everything I've crocheted. It's just in it's beginning days, but it's a start! I'll just keep a link to it here instead of posting everything I make!
Here it is: Crocheted Creations Gallery
Here it is: Crocheted Creations Gallery
May 16, 2007
More Crocheting
Sleepy Toddler
May 15, 2007
6 Month Midwife Check-Up
Everything went well at my 6 month check up! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! I'm doing well with nutrition, no problems with protein or sugar. My focus for the coming months is to drink lots of water and get lots of iron because the blood volume doubles in the last trimester. I'm so thankful there are absolutely no complications...what a blessing! :)
Win An Ergo Baby Carrier!
This is a free drawing for an Ergo baby carrier (these cost $92 new!). I get a second entry for sharing this link here at my blog! What a wonderful oppertunity from a great store! Click on the link below for details:
Win An Ergo Baby Carrier From Along For The Ride
Win An Ergo Baby Carrier From Along For The Ride
May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you to everyone who sent Happy Mother's Day messages! I hope everyone had a great day!
Thank you to all of the Mothers in the world! This song is great!
Thank you to all of the Mothers in the world! This song is great!
May 12, 2007
Hello 3rd Trimester!
Completely Weaned!
Haridas is completely weaned now at 31 months! Last night was the first time he fell asleep at night without crying or during a story. He just laid down and went to sleep like us grown ups do! He doesn't even realize the huge leap he has made in his growing up. We did it so gradually that he doesn't even notice the big change! Yay!
May 10, 2007
Best Buds!
Here's Haridas and Zamar caught on tape doing what they do best...playing with dumptrucks! They know each other so well now that they just have fun with little intervention from me, so I just sit and crochet while watching them! Here's a glimpse of what two two-year-olds do together:
Normally, they go down this hill over and over again, but this time they got distracted midway.
Here's some pictures, too!

And here's a picture of our front yard and the orchard across the river:
Normally, they go down this hill over and over again, but this time they got distracted midway.
Here's some pictures, too!
And here's a picture of our front yard and the orchard across the river:
May 09, 2007
More Babywearing!
The New Carseat
Well, we could have gotten a lot of other great things for the price of this one car seat, but it is so worth it if it saves our little one's life. It will keep him in a 5 point harness for up to 80 lbs., which is safer than a booster. Our friend will be picking it up on Oahu for us, so we thankfully saved on shipping. With car accidents being the number one killer of American kids, you'd think the safest carseats would be a little more affordable for everyone. Here's the $260 life saver:

May 08, 2007
Earthy Rainbow Crocheted Longies!
May 07, 2007
Happy Birthday, Papa!
May 06, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
Today is our wedding anniversary! Thankfully, Papa has the day off from work, so we can just be together. It's nice that it is also a Sunday today, which is a day of the week that we always celebrate in the evening with our friends. Thanks to everyone who sent us cards and well wishes for us!
Here's a picture of the memorable day:
Here's a picture of the memorable day:

May 05, 2007
Taking Care Of Haridas's Legal Business!
In order to get Harias's birth certificate, we needed a doctor's note proving that he is alive. Appearantly, some people lie about having a child to recieve welfare benefits, and since we had a homebirth, we needed some kind of official proof of existance. We have procratinated doing this because Haridas has always been so healthy with no need to see a doctor. Since we need his birth certificate, we decided to take Haridas to a Naturopathic Doctor, who is respectful of our decisions as parents.
The good doctor's news is that Haridas is in good health with no problems, and his growth is perfect for his age. We will be getting his birth certificate soon! Yay!
We also are getting him a 'Keiki ID'. (Keiki is the Hawaiian word for child.) Here's the picture we chose for it:

We almost used this one, but he stuck out his tongue!
The good doctor's news is that Haridas is in good health with no problems, and his growth is perfect for his age. We will be getting his birth certificate soon! Yay!
We also are getting him a 'Keiki ID'. (Keiki is the Hawaiian word for child.) Here's the picture we chose for it:

We almost used this one, but he stuck out his tongue!

May 03, 2007
Crochet Away!
May 02, 2007
Happy Birthday, Grammy Sharon!!!
Monthly Memorable Moments of April, 2007
Not too much happened this April, but May will be action packed since it's our most festive month of the year!
~Haridas is getting his LAST molar, thank God!!!!!
~We got 2 new baby carriers!
~Haridas is about to outgrow his carseat in height, 10 lbs. before outgrowing the weight limit.
~We celebrated Lord Nrishringha's Appearance Day on April 30.
~I officially love crochetting!
~My belly is looks big now!
~Haridas is getting his LAST molar, thank God!!!!!
~We got 2 new baby carriers!
~Haridas is about to outgrow his carseat in height, 10 lbs. before outgrowing the weight limit.
~We celebrated Lord Nrishringha's Appearance Day on April 30.
~I officially love crochetting!
~My belly is looks big now!
Didymos Wrap Baby Carrier
Can you tell I like baby carriers? As a suprise, I got another baby carrier from someone on the island. It is a wrap, which is a 15 foot long piece of cloth made with a particular weave that is strong and durable. It can be tied in so many different ways, and is the most versitile of baby carriers. I thought it would be so much harder to use than it actually was. It is quite comfy, too. The great news is that Haridas likes it, too! It doesn't fold up very small, so I will use the other carrier when we go out, and this one around the house. Here's some pics:

May 01, 2007
The Walmart Poem by Papa
I was walking out of Wal-Mart and people were all over the place... you could just tell they all felt like they are actually what they are doing right then... some walking fast with a puffed chest, others driving in the fancy cars, while others still pushing their cart full of the latest and greatest fulfillment of their desires attained at the holy place of pilgrimage (Wal-Mart)
I could see the sun in the western sky descending upon the 14,000 foot peak of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii... bright and beginning to silhouette the great volcano... but just before the glare, the effulgence of the great giver of warmth and light, huge dark clouds busted forth strong and cool showers...
So much noise, cars, people, smells and sights!
As I walked I felt an absolute deafening silence and witnessed a compelling stillness although every thing was moving and full of sounds...
Am I on Drugs?
No, granted I was a little tired from a long day of driving and work, but not intoxicated!
People are here in the flesh... for sure!
Where does the spirit dwell?
Does any one know?
Does any one really care?
I know of him that is to come... and some how I feel, he's already there for those seek to find... the source and center of the spirit... it's not us... but his love, his life, his light.
Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory!
Forever and ever
I wish I felt the spirit even heavier, to just crush my deluded heart and press me like ripe grapes in preparation for the feast!
Oh my Lord, pulverize all the filth inside my heart, like wheat becomes flour for the bread, so that those who are gathered for the great feast may eat.
The bread has been broken!
Our eyes have been opened!
The Word has been spoken!
Oh Lord, come restore and renew!
I could see the sun in the western sky descending upon the 14,000 foot peak of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii... bright and beginning to silhouette the great volcano... but just before the glare, the effulgence of the great giver of warmth and light, huge dark clouds busted forth strong and cool showers...
So much noise, cars, people, smells and sights!
As I walked I felt an absolute deafening silence and witnessed a compelling stillness although every thing was moving and full of sounds...
Am I on Drugs?
No, granted I was a little tired from a long day of driving and work, but not intoxicated!
People are here in the flesh... for sure!
Where does the spirit dwell?
Does any one know?
Does any one really care?
I know of him that is to come... and some how I feel, he's already there for those seek to find... the source and center of the spirit... it's not us... but his love, his life, his light.
Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory!
Forever and ever
I wish I felt the spirit even heavier, to just crush my deluded heart and press me like ripe grapes in preparation for the feast!
Oh my Lord, pulverize all the filth inside my heart, like wheat becomes flour for the bread, so that those who are gathered for the great feast may eat.
The bread has been broken!
Our eyes have been opened!
The Word has been spoken!
Oh Lord, come restore and renew!
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