We celebrated Navin's 5th birthday at his kindergarten on Monday. It was the birthday of his friend, Nia, who also turned 5. Since their birthdays were so close, the class celebrated them together. They both got to wear birthday crowns and capes.
They got to sit in the special birthday chair. Aunty Deana is their kindergarten teacher in the rocking chair.
Next, they walked around the sun in the center of the circle 5 times, each time describing what they were doing at that time in their lives and then putting a flower in a vase to count the years around the sun. :)
Then they opened a present from Aunty Deana that was wrapped in cloth that was tied with 5 knots.
It was homemade star wands with streamers!
Then it was time for banana cake with whipped cream and berries!
Everyday, two kids are assigned to wash the dishes and napkins.
Now it's time to play! Navin's new best friend, Kanoapono, is the boy standing next to him in the sandbox.
Here's some pictures of inside the kindergarten classroom.
The kindergarten is a church on the weekends!
It was a very special birthday ceremony and celebration. I love this kindergarten and how it is a free charter school with all the great qualities of a Waldorf private school with integrated native Hawaiian culture. Navin is really loving kindergarten and all his new friends. We will be celebrating Navin's birthday again this weekend when he is not in school. Lots of love from us all!